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Regular physical activity reduces the risk of many important chronic diseases and premature death, as well as health risks associated with overweight and obesity. Participation in physical activity can be used not only to improve health, prevent, treat and/or alleviate chronic diseases, but also to increase the length and quality of life.


Despite this, the participation levels of both healthy and chronically ill individuals in physical activity are quite low.


 Both children, adolescents and adults cannot reach the physical activity levels recommended by health authorities. Physical inactivity exists today, It is an important public health problem that is predicted to continue in the future.


​At the same time, the Covid-19 pandemic, which affects the whole world, has caused a further decrease in the physical activity levels of children and adolescents and a further increase in the time spent sedentary.


 In rheumatological pediatric diseases, problems such as pain, fatigue, decrease in muscle strength and functional capacity, joint limitation and muscle shortness lead children to a sedentary life.


The physical activity level of children and adolescents with rheumatic pediatric diseases is lower than their healthy peers!!In this group, physical inactivity may lead to the development of systemic dysfunction and increased activity of rheumatological disease. 

Children and adolescents need to be encouraged to engage in more physical activity than ever before, and behavioral and emergency interventions need to be implemented.


Technology-supported applications in which the individual takes active responsibility for the promotion of physical activity, especially in the adolescence period, have become very important today.


In this context, the use of computing technologies in physical activity intervention is an important method that provides innovative ideas and perspectives for physical activity promotion in improving human health.

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